third order

winter 08

About the magazine.

Third Order is a literary webzine created to engage with issues of faith and religion through mainstream, traditional, experimental and speculative short fiction.

We work on the presumption that faith and religion reach out, in some way, to all people; that they fire both mass movements and single human hearts; and that, instead of being forgotten remnants of a bygone age, they are crucial elements of what it means to be human in the modern world.

The term "third order" refers to tertiary groups affiliated with Catholic religious orders of men and women, such as the Franciscans and the Dominicans. Often, the members of these "third orders" are laypeople searching for a way to live out their faith, their questions, their grey areas, and their dreams in an imperfect world. We hope that the stories in Third Order will be very much the same, and that authors will feel free to explore issues of faith and religion in their stories, whether those stories are realistic or fantastic.

We are a fledgling, privately-funded web market. For submission information, click on "Guidelines."

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Third Order is edited and coded for the web by Karen Osborne, a writer and creative type currently based in Orlando, Florida.

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© 2008 Karen Osborne and respective authors. Design by Andreas Viklund.